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Rock House Financial new website

Rock House Financial Launches New and Improved Website

Rock House Financial is pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved website! The new site went live on Dec. 16. The fresh look and feel make it easier to find information, read about timely and important topics and contact us when you have a question.

If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, please do. The easy-to-access navigation allows you to research who we are and how we can help you. We are upfront with all of our fees and services and are one of the only locally owned, independent, fee-only fiduciary financial advisory firms in Utah, which means we don’t accept payment from anyone but the client (no commissions and no kickbacks) and have a legal responsibility to put the clients’ best interest first.

Our new look is more user-friendly and provides a clearer message of who we are, what we do and what we believe.

Here are 5 things we’re especially excited about:

1. Free resources

The financial services industry can be confusing and intimidating, so many people put off creating a financial plan “until later.” But this can be a big mistake. One of the ways we try to change this mindset is by helping educate investors and offering free resources that they can access on their own time. This includes our new complimentary eBook, which you can download here: Getting to the Next Level Financially: 5 Steps to Turn Your Income Into Sustainable Wealth.

2. Updated blog

Another way we keep clients informed is through our blog. We plan to post new articles on a regular basis that highlight ways to create the best financial plan for you. You can even sign up to receive our most recent posts straight to your inbox once a month. Read what we’ve been talking about here.

3. Team bios

Hiring a financial advisor to work with is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. This person will help determine if you can retire, what your retirement life will look like and what you’re able to leave behind once you’re gone, if anything. Because of this, it’s important to us that you know who you’ll be working with at Rock House Financial and actually put a face to the name. So, our new site includes short bios of everyone on our team. Meet our financial advisors here.

4. Client stories

Another way people learn is by example. Now you can read our client profiles to see what clients we specialize in and how we can help you.

5. Links to our social media

Are you on Facebook? Twitter? LinkedIn? We are too! We invite you to read our tweets, watch our videos and connect with us on all our social media platforms by clicking on the icons at the bottom of our new home page.


Rock House Financial was established in 2007 and operates out of a restored 1880s Farmington rock home. A unique piece of history, our building is one of the many stone structures that helps set Farmington apart.

If you’re looking to work with a financial advisor for the first time or wanting to make a change in the new year, we invite you to visit our website, and let us know what you think.




